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Showing posts from March, 2024


 Unlocking New Frontiers in AI: Prompt Engineering Using Llama 2 course of   DeepLearning.AI and Meta. In the rapidly changing expanse of artificial intelligence, standing at the helm of innovation is the way forward. With technology constantly shaping structural depictions and extending capabilities, training and skill development in AI becomes more critical than ever. For the purpose of meeting this demand, we are excited to initiate " Prompt Engineering with Llama 2 ", which is a state-of-the-art AI at Meta short course. Elevating Your AI Proficiency Developed for both newbies and experienced users, this course has a stimulating experience. undefined 1. Mastering Prompting Techniques : Dive into the subtlety of prompting and model selection, incorporating best practices to maximize the performance and precision. 2. Exploring Advanced Strategies : Unleash the power of techniques like few-shot and chain-of-thought prompting. Ranging from sentiment analysis to logic problem...